Stratence Partners will be hosting a networking and expert VIP dinner, the day before the World EPA Congress 2024. Enjoy a select and friendly space for strengthening relationships with peers and share insights, expertise and experience.
Evidence, Pricing & Access Conference. Three days of activities with Stratence Partners experts and a Selected group of Strategic Pricing and Commercial Leaders, during the World EPA Congress 2024.
RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam │March 12 - 13, 2024
Who can you find at our booth?Fernando Ventureira - Frederic Duhamelle - Niels Skov - Rick Mather - Dr. Ramesh Caussy - Israel Fuentes - Manuel de la Guardia Villalón - David Diaz - Nathan Walsh - Eduardo Villanueva Suarez - Jérôme Mérian - Navin Singh - Krishna Chaitanya - Anh BOURCET - Lûna Kawash
Click on the following link to get the full picture about this event and go to the registration section to book your seat for this exclusive event: