PROPOSAL | How we help
Change Management and Stakeholders Management for a successful transformational project
Change Management and Stakeholders Involvement is a big topic.
There is Phd's, books and many articles that are trying to unleash the secret recipe of Change Management.
At Stratence Partners, we make it simple and pragmatic. If you don't understand, you can't agree. And if don't participate, why would you agree?
That is why we apply in all our Projects a specific and well-proven methodology for training and transferring the knowledge to the Organization.
It is not about the consultant doing the Project. It is about to rise the expertise of the Organization and provide the knowledge, the understanding and the means (i.e. data, analytics, tools...) for having all stakeholders involved in the Project developing the right level of confidence in the opportunity for the change.
It is about spending time and actively listening to the professionals that have the real expertise about the market, the products, services and more importantly the customers, to understand how to adapt theory models and best practices to a real and pragmatic "real world" application.
By training (ensuring the understanding of the opportunity), by involving (considering the right mapping of stakeholders) and by listening (securing a real and pragmatic implementation), we can consider that we will develop the proper landscape for having the entire Organization embracing the change and celebrating the success.
Stratence Partners applies a well proven approach to “change the mindset” of the Organization

Engaging with Senior Leaders for business acumen and executive – management support
Training & coaching all resources involved in the transformational initiative
Bridging all functions involved in Strategy, Marketing, Pricing, Commercial, Finance, Operations, Sales, IT, Legal, HHRR, R&D ……

I have led with Stratence Partners people a global project for redefining and implementing a new market strategy with direct impact on the commercial process and the pricing intelligence to be applied. The multi-cultural profile, the experience and the expertise, as well as the very positive human side of Stratence Partners people have strongly contributed to the success of the Project, delivering above expectations in terms of Project’s satisfaction and economical results