PROFILE | Who we are
At Stratence Partners, almost all of our projects are defined in a multi-regions and/or multi-country perspective.
Our approaches, our methodologies and even so our projects' teams are well suited for implementing new best practices, new and better ways of working, new integrated dataflow, new tools, governance, training programs etc... with a common "kernel" but with a high consideration for the more local aspects like markets and cultural ones.
As a constant way of managing cross-geographies projects, we bring right from the beginning and we maintain along the different regions and countries the same Project Team, with a multi-cultural and multi-expertise background.
This is a fundamental asset for providing a high level of efficiency to our Customers, leveraging the knowledge and the material across multiple projects, and ensuring that the Organization will benefit from cross-regional and cross-countries practices, with a better level of maturity and a more efficient maintenance in the long-term.
The global footprint from Stratence Partners is so providing a valuable support for those Organizations with a need of aligning maturity level in Strategy Optimization, Pricing Excellence and Commercial Efficiency across geographies.
It is also a real valuable and key success factor for individual projects by covering the need of understanding and adapting to the local specificities.
Headquartered in London, Stratence Partners maintains a global footprint with dedicated offices and resources in all geographies (APAC/Singapore, Europe/London, North America/Chicago).
Particularly in Europe, considering the diversity of markets, languages and cultures, Stratence Partners has Vice Presidents in most of the countries (Spain, France, Italy, UK, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, Switzerland...)
Find the nearest Stratence Partners office

86-90 Paul Street
3rd Floor
London EC2A 4NE
+44 (0) 770 030 93 63

No 7 Temasek Boulevard #12-07
Suntec Tower One PMB1109
Singapore 03898